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Root Cherry Mobile Flare in 30 seconds!

Friday, October 4, 2013

This is a tutorial on how to root CM FLaRE in less than 1 minute!

First what is rooting?

Rooting is a process that allows you to attain root access to the Android operating system code (the equivalent term for Apple devices id jailbreaking). It gives you privileges to modify the software code on the device or install other software that the manufacturer wouldn’t normally allow you to. And for good mobile security reasons: they don’t want users to make modifications to the phones that could result in accidents beyond repair; it is easier for them to offer support if they allow users to only use the same unmodified version of the software. But tech savvy users have already developed rooting methods, which vary depending on device. They are available on the web, and more and more Android users are resorting to them because of the powerful perks they provide, such as:
full customization for just about every theme/graphic
download of any app, regardless of the app store they’re posted on
extended battery life and added performance
updates to the latest version of Android if your device is outdated and no longer updated by the manufacturer
But if you do it improperly, it can create havoc. And even done properly, if your phone doesn’t have proper antivirus protection for Android, rooting leaves your device open to all sorts of malware.

What are the risks of rooting?

1. You can turn your smartphone into a brick. Well, not literally, but if you goof up the rooting process, meaning the code modifications, your phone software can get so damaged that your phone will basically be as useless as a brick.

2. Your phone warranty turns void. It’s legal to root your phone; however, if you do it, your device gets straight out of warranty. Say you root your phone and some time after that, you experience a phone malfunction – hardware or software related. Because of the Android rooting, the warranty is no longer valid, and the manufacturer will not cover the damages.

3. Malware can easily breach your mobile security. Gaining root access also entails circumventing the security restrictions put in place by the Android operating system. Which means worms, viruses, spyware and Trojans can infect the rooted Android software if it’s not protected by effective mobile antivirus for Android. There are several ways these types of malware get on your phone: drive-by downloads, malicious links, infected apps you download from not so reputable app stores. They take over your phone and make it act behind your back: forward your contact list to cybercrooks, sniff your e-mails, send text messages to premium numbers, racking up your phone, and collect personal data such as passwords, usernames, credit card details that you use while socializing, banking and shopping from your smartphone.

Now to the process:

First off all, requirements:
  • Root Checker app
  • CM Flare firmware update, (must be build 37 or higher.)
  • Confidence! 
*no third party software need* hassle free, and less risk!

Step 1 : Check if there is a root access to ur device. Download this:
Root Checker

Step 2 :  Check your CM Flare version build, Go to:
Settings -> about phone -> build number
must be atleast "V000037", if not, update your firmware first:
Go Here.
If already @ latest version proceed to step 3.
Step 2b: Download the above software update and put it at the root folder of your sd card. (Do not Unzip.)
Step 2c : Turn off your Mobile then Press and Hold volume (+) and Power Button @ the same time, do not release until it Flashes RED.
Step 2d : Navigate the menu using the Volume (+) or (-),
Select the .zip file you downloaded earlier and hit Power Button, wait til it is done, when it's done, reboot ur phone.
Let it update and proceed to Step 3, 
Step 3 : Download this : CMFlareRoot_via_Recovery_by_newbie,
after downloading, put it @ the root folder of ur sd card. (again do not unzip!)
Step 4 : Enter Recovery mode - to enter recovery mode, turn off your mobile device then press hold volume (+) and power buttion @ the same time do not release until it flashes RED.

Step 5 : Navigate the menu using the Volume (+) or (-),
Select the .zip file you downloaded earlier and hit Power Button, wait til it is done, when it's done, reboot ur phone.
Let it update, then your phone has been rooted successfully~~!!

Just earlier, supersu app added = Rooted.

If you failed, that means you didn't followed the instructions carefully.

Goodies added!!
Packages includes:

SuperSU v1.30
-Manages shell permissions as a superuser.

Greenify ROOT
-hibernates unwanted background applications.
saves battery life.

No-frills CPU Control 1.26
-over/underclocks CPU speed.

Boot Animation_ROOT
-changes your boot animation with
large choices available.

BusyBox Pro 9.2
-adds various commands and functuality
in the system, used for setting up
OPENVPN in android.

link here:

mirror: http://mir.cr/PA56QQKY


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